Qt 6.1.2 on Windows x64, lots of errors configuring build from source
I'm building Qt 6.1.2 in order to support static linking, but i have problems configuring the build process,
Windows x64, using VC compiler
The configure command:
configure -prefix "..\builds\QtNew"
-extprefix "c:\Qt_New"
-make examples
-make tests
-- -D QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES_BY_DEFAULT=OFF -D OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ONgivs me lots of errors the first being
"Could NOT find ZSTD: Found unsuitable version "", but required is at least "1.3" (found ZSTD_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND)"
(See the initial part of the log included)I'm obviously missing somthing here, anyone knows what?
Best regards
OveE:\Downloaded\Qt6\Src>configure -prefix "..\builds\QtFirst" -extprefix "c:\Qt_First" -debug-and-release -static -make examples -make tests -- -D QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES_BY_DEFAULT=OFF -D OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON + cd qtbase + E:\Downloaded\Qt6\Src\qtbase\configure.bat -top-level -prefix "..\builds\QtFirst" -extprefix "c:\Qt_First" -debug-and-release -static -make examples -make tests -- -D QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES_BY_DEFAULT=OFF -D OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/CMake/bin/cmake.exe' '-D' 'QT_BUILD_EXAMPLES_BY_DEFAULT=OFF' '-D' 'OPENSSL_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON' '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF' '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..//builds//QtFirst' '-DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=c://Qt_First' '-DQT_BUILD_EXAMPLES=TRUE' '-DQT_BUILD_TESTS=TRUE' '-DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Release;Debug' '-G' 'Ninja Multi-Config' 'E:/Downloaded/Qt6/Src' Check dependencies of 'qtbase' Check dependencies of 'qtshadertools' Check dependencies of 'qtsvg' Check dependencies of 'qtdeclarative' Check dependencies of 'qt3d' Check dependencies of 'qt5compat' Check dependencies of 'qtactiveqt' Check dependencies of 'qtcharts' Check dependencies of 'qttools' Check dependencies of 'qtcoap' Check dependencies of 'qtdatavis3d' Check dependencies of 'qtimageformats' Check dependencies of 'qtquickcontrols2' Check dependencies of 'qtdoc' Check dependencies of 'qtlottie' Check dependencies of 'qtmqtt' Check dependencies of 'qtnetworkauth' Check dependencies of 'qtopcua' Check dependencies of 'qtquick3d' Check dependencies of 'qtquicktimeline' Check dependencies of 'qtscxml' Check dependencies of 'qttranslations' Check dependencies of 'qtvirtualkeyboard' Check dependencies of 'qtwayland' Configuring 'qtbase' -- Building for multiple configurations: Release;Debug. -- Main configuration is: Release. -- Check for feature set changes -- Extracting architecture info from E:/Downloaded/Qt6/Src/qtbase/config.tests/arch/Release/architecture_test.exe. -- CMAKE_VERSION: "3.20.21032501-MSVC_2" -- CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM: "Windows-10.0.19041" -- CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME: "Windows" -- CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_VERSION: "10.0.19041" -- CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR: "AMD64" -- CMAKE_SYSTEM: "Windows" -- CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME: "Windows" -- CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION: "10.0.19041" -- CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR: "AMD64" -- CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING: "FALSE" -- CMAKE_C_COMPILER: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.29.30133/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe" (19.29.30133.0) -- CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.29.30133/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe" (19.29.30133.0) -- MSVC_VERSION: "1929" -- MSVC_TOOLSET_VERSION: "142" -- Could NOT find ZSTD: Found unsuitable version "", but required is at least "1.3" (found ZSTD_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND) -- Could NOT find WrapDBus1 (missing: DBus1_LIBRARY DBus1_INCLUDE_DIR WrapDBus1_FOUND) (Required is at least version "1.2") -- Could NOT find double-conversion (missing: double-conversion_DIR) -- Could NOT find WrapDoubleConversion (missing: WrapDoubleConversion_FOUND) -- Could NOT find GLIB2 (missing: GLIB2_LIBRARIES GTHREAD2_LIBRARIES GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS) -- Found the following ICU libraries: -- i18n (required) -- uc (required) -- data (required) -- Could NOT find Libb2 (missing: LIBB2_LIBRARY LIBB2_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Could NOT find WrapRt (missing: WrapRt_FOUND) -- Could NOT find LTTngUST (missing: LTTNGUST_LIBRARIES LTTNGUST_INCLUDE_DIRS) -- Could NOT find WrapSystemPCRE2 (missing: PCRE2_LIBRARIES PCRE2_INCLUDE_DIRS __pcre2_found) (Required is at least version "10.20") -- Could NOT find Slog2 (missing: Slog2_INCLUDE_DIR Slog2_LIBRARY) -- Could NOT find WrapBrotli (missing: BrotliDec_FOUND BrotliEnc_FOUND BrotliCommon_FOUND) -- Could NOT find GSSAPI (missing: GSSAPI_LIBRARIES GSSAPI_INCLUDE_DIRS) CMake Error at qtbase/cmake/QtBuildInformation.cmake:373 (message): Feature "sctp": Forcing to "ON" breaks its condition: TEST_sctp Condition values dump: TEST_sctp = "" Call Stack (most recent call first): qtbase/cmake/QtFeature.cmake:268 (qt_configure_add_report_error) qtbase/cmake/QtFeature.cmake:355 (qt_feature_set_value) qtbase/cmake/QtFeature.cmake:542 (qt_evaluate_feature) qtbase/cmake/QtFeature.cmake:522 (qt_feature_module_end) qtbase/src/CMakeLists.txt:9 (qt_feature_evaluate_features) -- FindLibdrm.cmake cannot find libdrm on Windows systems. -- Could NOT find EGL (missing: EGL_INCLUDE_DIR HAVE_EGL EGL_LIBRARY) -- Could NOT find WrapSystemFreetype (missing: __freetype_found) (Required is at least version "2.2.0") -- Could NOT find Fontconfig (missing: Fontconfig_LIBRARY Fontconfig_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Findgbm.cmake cannot find gbm on Windows systems. -- Could NOT find WrapSystemHarfbuzz (missing: HARFBUZZ_LIBRARIES HARFBUZZ_INCLUDE_DIRS) (Required is at least version "2.6.0") -- FindLibinput.cmake cannot find libinput on Windows systems. . . . /* and a *lot* of other errors
By now I have realized the compilation process has of a lot of dependencies that I cannot find documented anywhere. So I just have to take one error message after the other, and try to solve the problem.
Consider the problem in question solved.Best regards
Ove -
@_ove_ said in Qt 6.1.2 on Windows x64, lots of errors configuring build from source:
By now I have realized the compilation process has of a lot of dependencies that I cannot find documented anywhere.