Disable jpeg in .pro file? (Linux problem)
General and Desktop
I have a .pro project that should compile in windows and Linux.
With the windows one, there is no problem at all. But I'm using a turbojpeg based solution and it seems that it introduces some linking problems with the Qt jpeg support (my own assumption) since it triggers some errors like:
libjpeg-static.a(jcparam.c.o): in function 'jpeg_set_colorspace': first defined here
Is there any chance to remove the .jpeg support without recompiling the entire Qt? Any other approach?
Thank you for your time.
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtimageformats-index.htmlThe core Qt Gui library contains the code for JPEG so recompile is needed to get rid of it.
However, are you sure its a clash ? I mean the JPEG is wrapped into Qt and classes so
clashing with a free function seems unlikely.