How to create a single kit for multiarchs(armv7 and arm64v8) on QtCreator 4.11.1
Hi all qt fans,
I want to create an aab for armv7 and armv8, but i can only select one kit for armv7 or armv8 separately on qt creator.
So, when i start compiling, it produces one by one aab files for armv7 and v8 depending selecting kit, and i could not merge they.
How to create a single aab file for armv7 and v8 archs with qt creator or manually?
Qt 6.0.0
Qt Creator 4.11.1 -
@jsulm Thanks for your suggestion.
I solved that, as i understand it, the problem is Qt 6.0.
In Qt setup folder, android architectures(armv7, v8, x86 etc.) are in directory seperately. But Qt Version 5.14.2 merge all android architectures in one folder. Now, i can create common single kit for all android archs.
And it helped to me:
Qt 5.14.2
Qt Creator 4.11.1
Android Sdk 26.1.1
Ndk 21.3.6528147 -
@mehmetagca In case you will not get an answer here you can also ask on Qt Developers mailing list.
@jsulm Thanks for your suggestion.
I solved that, as i understand it, the problem is Qt 6.0.
In Qt setup folder, android architectures(armv7, v8, x86 etc.) are in directory seperately. But Qt Version 5.14.2 merge all android architectures in one folder. Now, i can create common single kit for all android archs.
And it helped to me:
Qt 5.14.2
Qt Creator 4.11.1
Android Sdk 26.1.1
Ndk 21.3.6528147