model view: How to tied up data form view with underlying data
Hello, I have some problem understanding model/view architecture, maybe is someone with free time to explain some things to me, please.
I have one table view activityView and all data inserted by the user in this table view is store into a c++ vector from another class( my own custom type, vector<activity>). I have edit, add and delete button. So i don't figure it out when user select one activity from the table to edit it how to tied up to the same activity from the stored data vector<activity>. At the moment i have an implementation with the same index(if user chose first row of the table, the first element of the vector is edited), it's not ok. I know it can be better but I don't know how.
Give me all links that you have and you think I need to read(I am here to learn). -
No, you will impose sorting via aQSortFilterProxyModel
on top of your model if sorting is wanted. View will access that. Your indexes here will be unaffected. That is why a proxy model is nice :) -
So do you have your own custom model ?Normally in
QVariant Model::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role)
we use index.row take from the "source"Like here they expose a Contact class via a custom TableModel
Yes I have a custom model. And this is my data function
QVariant TableModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const
if (!index.isValid() || role != Qt::DisplayRole) {
return QVariant();
}const auto& teacher = mContext.GetTeacherByIndex(index.row());
switch (index.column()) {
case 0:
return QString::fromStdString((teacher->GetFirstName()));
case 1:
return QString::fromStdString((teacher->GetLastName()));
}The problem is: if i sort teachers by name in view, then would have different index.row(). So when i get teacher by index i would get another teacher
No, you will impose sorting via aQSortFilterProxyModel
on top of your model if sorting is wanted. View will access that. Your indexes here will be unaffected. That is why a proxy model is nice :) -
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