Access item inside ListView via delegate
I was trying to access an item inside
via delegate in QML
Code is similar to the link with little modification which is shown below- I want to access the
and get/set value from it . - I want to hide/show button on click event ( When only one row is visible, hide the delete button )
a) Step1: When the delete button from the row 2 is clicked
b) Step2: Hide the delete button from row 1 - Also little confused on how
work. . How does empty dictionary add items. Can it be empty too?
I am using PyQt5 to launch the QML on Ubuntu 20.04, Qt 5.14.2
Code looks like
import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 Window { visible: true width: 500 height: 500 Rectangle { width: 250 height: 400 Component { id: listDelegate Item { width: 250; height: 50 Row { Column { width: 100 Button { text: "text"} } Column { width: 50 TextEdit { text: "Edit"} } Column { width: 100 Button { text: "Add" onClicked:{ listModel.append({"": ""}) } } } Column { width: 100 Button { text: "Delete" onClicked:{ if(listModel.count > 1) listModel.remove(index); } } } } } } ListModel { id: listModel ListElement { } } ListView { id: listView anchors.fill: parent model: listModel delegate: listDelegate focus: true } } }
- I want to access the
I was able to access the
value usingproperty
value which is set to model viaListElement
something like thisListElement { editProperty: "Initial text" }
and on click event
onClicked: { listModel.setProperty(index, "editProperty", editField.text) }
Still I am unable to access the delete
. Does anyone know to access it? -
hi @Ratzz
you already "listen" to the listModel count property for your onClicked why don't you make the visible property depending on it as well ?
Column { width: 100 Button { text: "Delete" visible: listModel.count > 1 onClicked:{ if(listModel.count > 1) listModel.remove(index); } } }
@J-Hilk said in Access item inside ListView via delegate:
you already "listen" to the listModel count property for your onClicked why don't you make the visible property depending on it as well ?
It just worked :) Thank you @J-Hilk
@Ratzz said in Access item inside ListView via delegate:
I was able to access the TextEdit value using property value which is set to model via ListElement something like this
@J-Hilk , Is there any better way than this ?
for example, you could just bind the text directly:Column { width: 50 TextEdit { text: editableText} } ... ... ListModel { id: listModel ListElement { editableText: "SomeText" } }
That works as well
Now when I tried with empty textListModel { id: listModel ListElement { editableText: "" } }
and then I tried to change the text field value manually say "sometext" . Button event returned null
onClicked: { listModel.get(0).editableText console.log(listModel.get(0).editableText ) //Null }
while button event setting property gave proper result
onClicked: { listModel.setProperty(index, "editableText ", id.text) console.log(listModel.get(0).editableText ) //"sometext" }
@Ratzz interesting
I usually have c++ based models, so my experience with QML models is limited 😕
Maybe someone else know more about this behavior
@Ratzz said in Access item inside ListView via delegate:
What is that line supposed to do? You are not modifying anything here
onClicked: { listModel.setProperty(index, "editableText ", textEdit.text) }
just do that instead:
onClicked: editableText = textEdit.text
console.log(editableText )
, you have access to the role values (as context properties) corresponding to the model cell in the delegate