Bluetooth Low Energy - disconnecting when discovering service details
Hello, when I scan services with LowEnergyScanner app, everything works fine, but when I connect to a service in order to get characteristics, the connection with device breaks, and I get an output:
qt.bluetooth.bluez: Aborting onCharReadFinished due to disconnect
It happens only for one, vendor-specific service. I debugged the code, and disconnection takes place when 'discoverDetails()' function is called by the service. Also, I connected with the device via gatttool, and there was no problem with discovering all services and their characteristics, so I assume, the problem must be somewhere in Qt code.
I currently use Qt 5.13.2 and BlueZ 5.48.
What may be the cause of such problem? Is there any solution to fix it? Thank you in advance -
I have exactly the same problem see my topic. Actually I did not find any solution