Deploying qml application
QML and Qt Quick
Hello everyone! I have a proplem to deploy c++ application wich contains qml. I use Windows 7 and Qt 5.14.2. My application works well from QT Creator.
- I've successfully run windeployqt to gather libraries my app needs:
- After that I run my new shiny .exe file and it works well if following line (underlined with red) is commented
- But if it's uncommented, I doubleclick on .exe file and nothing happenes, it just quickly flashes out in a task manager for 1-2 sec.
- .qml file is simpliest and its content can't cause problems. It seems Qt can't see qml import files.
I'd be gratefull for any help! Cos I feel I don't wanna dig deeper and I loose my time.
Afterwords. Dependency walker shows plenty of mistakes even if .exe works properly (that problematic qml line commented).
cqtdeployer.exe doesn't work for me at all, it throws an error message about "entry point not found in Qt5Core.dll"
- I've successfully run windeployqt to gather libraries my app needs:
cqtdeployer.exe doesn't work for me at all, it throws an error message about "entry point not found in Qt5Core.dll"
Show me please log of cqtdeployer, most likely you made a mistake in the command, and I see that you are using qml but did not specify the path to your qml files.cqtdeployer -bin /absalut/path/to/WidgetsEditor.exe -qmake /path/to/my/qmake.exe -qmlDir /Path/to/myqmlFiles/Dir -recursiveDepth 3