Starting App from other class
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Do you mean starting the executable that can be generated from the example or re-use the code in your own application ?
@HenrikSt-0 Via copy/paste. Add new class GraphDataGenerator to your project and copy the code from example into it. Then copy the code from main in the example into your main...
@jsulm Oh sorry, I did not explained correctly...
The code above is in a .cpp file.And the function, where I want to start the "application in the .cpp file" is
void MainWindow::GraphicalDiagramm() { //Start application from .cpp file here... }
Do you understand?
@HenrikSt-0 said in Starting App from other class:
Do you understand?
No, because I don't know what "Start application" means here. Usually that would mean to start an external executable in its own process. @SGaist already asked you about that.
If you mean executing the code in MainWindow::GraphicalDiagramm() nothing stops you from putting the code from the main of that example (except the QApplication stuff ofcourse) into MainWindow::GraphicalDiagramm(). -
This is my function, and I copied the mainfunction into it:
void MainWindow::GrafischesDiagramm() { //! [0] // QApplication app(argc, argv); Q3DBars *graph = new Q3DBars(); QWidget *container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(graph); //! [0] if (!graph->hasContext()) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Couldn't initialize the OpenGL context."); msgBox.exec(); // return -1; } QSize screenSize = graph->screen()->size(); container->setMinimumSize(QSize(screenSize.width() / 2, screenSize.height() / 2)); container->setMaximumSize(screenSize); container->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); container->setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); //! [1] QWidget widget; QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(&widget); QTableWidget *tableWidget = new QTableWidget(&widget); layout->addWidget(container, 1); layout->addWidget(tableWidget, 1, Qt::AlignHCenter); //! [1] tableWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); tableWidget->setAlternatingRowColors(true); widget.setWindowTitle(QStringLiteral("Hours spent on the Internet")); //! [2] // Since we are dealing with QTableWidget, the model will already have data sorted properly // into rows and columns, so we simply set useModelCategories property to true to utilize this. QItemModelBarDataProxy *proxy = new QItemModelBarDataProxy(tableWidget->model()); proxy->setUseModelCategories(true); QBar3DSeries *series = new QBar3DSeries(proxy); series->setMesh(QAbstract3DSeries::MeshPyramid); graph->addSeries(series); //! [2] //! [3] GraphDataGenerator generator(graph, tableWidget); QObject::connect(series, &QBar3DSeries::selectedBarChanged, &generator, &GraphDataGenerator::selectFromTable); QObject::connect(tableWidget, &QTableWidget::currentCellChanged, &generator, &GraphDataGenerator::selectedFromTable); //! [3] //! [4]; generator.start(); //return app.exec(); }
And this is outside of the mainwindow class:
//Grafisches Diagramm #include <QtDataVisualization/q3dbars.h> #include <QtDataVisualization/qcategory3daxis.h> #include <QtDataVisualization/qitemmodelbardataproxy.h> #include <QtDataVisualization/qvalue3daxis.h> #include <QtDataVisualization/q3dscene.h> #include <QtDataVisualization/q3dcamera.h> #include <QtDataVisualization/qbar3dseries.h> #include <QtDataVisualization/q3dtheme.h> #include <QtWidgets/QApplication> #include <QtWidgets/QVBoxLayout> #include <QtWidgets/QTableWidget> #include <QtGui/QScreen> #include <QtCore/QRandomGenerator> #include <QtCore/QTimer> #include <QtGui/QFont> #include <QtCore/QDebug> #include <QtWidgets/QHeaderView> #include <QtWidgets/QMessageBox> #define USE_STATIC_DATA using namespace QtDataVisualization; class GraphDataGenerator : public QObject { public: explicit GraphDataGenerator(Q3DBars *bargraph, QTableWidget *tableWidget); ~GraphDataGenerator(); void setupModel(); void addRow(); void changeStyle(); void changePresetCamera(); void changeTheme(); void start(); void selectFromTable(const QPoint &selection); void selectedFromTable(int currentRow, int currentColumn, int previousRow, int previousColumn); void fixTableSize(); private: Q3DBars *m_graph; QTimer *m_dataTimer; int m_columnCount; int m_rowCount; QTableWidget *m_tableWidget; // not owned }; GraphDataGenerator::GraphDataGenerator(Q3DBars *bargraph, QTableWidget *tableWidget) : m_graph(bargraph), m_dataTimer(0), m_columnCount(100), m_rowCount(50), m_tableWidget(tableWidget) { //! [5] // Set up bar specifications; make the bars as wide as they are deep, // and add a small space between them m_graph->setBarThickness(1.0f); m_graph->setBarSpacing(QSizeF(0.2, 0.2)); //! [5] #ifndef USE_STATIC_DATA // Set up sample space; make it as deep as it's wide m_graph->rowAxis()->setRange(0, m_rowCount); m_graph->columnAxis()->setRange(0, m_columnCount); m_tableWidget->setColumnCount(m_columnCount); // Set selection mode to full m_graph->setSelectionMode(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionItemRowAndColumn); // Hide axis labels by explicitly setting one empty string as label list m_graph->rowAxis()->setLabels(QStringList(QString())); m_graph->columnAxis()->setLabels(QStringList(QString())); m_graph->seriesList().at(0)->setItemLabelFormat(QStringLiteral("@valueLabel")); #else //! [6] // Set selection mode to slice row m_graph->setSelectionMode(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionItemAndRow | QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionSlice); //! [6] #endif //! [7] // Set theme m_graph->activeTheme()->setType(Q3DTheme::ThemeDigia); // Set font m_graph->activeTheme()->setFont(QFont("Impact", 20)); // Set preset camera position m_graph->scene()->activeCamera()->setCameraPreset(Q3DCamera::CameraPresetFront); //! [7] } GraphDataGenerator::~GraphDataGenerator() { if (m_dataTimer) { m_dataTimer->stop(); delete m_dataTimer; } delete m_graph; } void GraphDataGenerator::start() { #ifndef USE_STATIC_DATA m_dataTimer = new QTimer(); m_dataTimer->setTimerType(Qt::CoarseTimer); QObject::connect(m_dataTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &GraphDataGenerator::addRow); m_dataTimer->start(0); m_tableWidget->setFixedWidth(m_graph->width()); #else //! [8] setupModel(); // Table needs to be shown before the size of its headers can be accurately obtained, // so we postpone it a bit m_dataTimer = new QTimer(); m_dataTimer->setSingleShot(true); QObject::connect(m_dataTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &GraphDataGenerator::fixTableSize); m_dataTimer->start(0); //! [8] #endif } void GraphDataGenerator::setupModel() { //! [9] // Set up row and column names QStringList days; days << "Monday" << "Tuesday" << "Wednesday" << "Thursday" << "Friday" << "Saturday" << "Sunday"; QStringList weeks; weeks << "week 1" << "week 2" << "week 3" << "week 4" << "week 5"; // Set up data Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun float hours[5][7] = {{2.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f, 0.2f, 1.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f}, // week 1 {0.5f, 1.0f, 3.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}, // week 2 {1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f, 4.0f, 4.0f}, // week 3 {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 0.3f}, // week 4 {3.0f, 3.0f, 6.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}}; // week 5 //! [9] // Add labels //! [10] m_graph->rowAxis()->setTitle("Week of year"); m_graph->rowAxis()->setTitleVisible(true); m_graph->columnAxis()->setTitle("Day of week"); m_graph->columnAxis()->setTitleVisible(true); m_graph->valueAxis()->setTitle("Hours spent on the Internet"); m_graph->valueAxis()->setTitleVisible(true); m_graph->valueAxis()->setLabelFormat("%.1f h"); //! [10] //! [11] m_tableWidget->setRowCount(5); m_tableWidget->setColumnCount(7); m_tableWidget->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(days); m_tableWidget->setVerticalHeaderLabels(weeks); m_tableWidget->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); m_tableWidget->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); m_tableWidget->setCurrentCell(-1, -1); m_tableWidget->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); //! [11] //! [12] for (int week = 0; week < weeks.size(); week++) { for (int day = 0; day < days.size(); day++) { QModelIndex index = m_tableWidget->model()->index(week, day); m_tableWidget->model()->setData(index, hours[week][day]); } } //! [12] } void GraphDataGenerator::addRow() { m_tableWidget->model()->insertRow(0); if (m_tableWidget->model()->rowCount() > m_rowCount) m_tableWidget->model()->removeRow(m_rowCount); for (int i = 0; i < m_columnCount; i++) { QModelIndex index = m_tableWidget->model()->index(0, i); m_tableWidget->model()->setData(index, ((float)i / (float)m_columnCount) / 2.0f + (float)(QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(30)) / 100.0f); } m_tableWidget->resizeColumnsToContents(); } //! [13] void GraphDataGenerator::selectFromTable(const QPoint &selection) { m_tableWidget->setFocus(); m_tableWidget->setCurrentCell(selection.x(), selection.y()); } //! [13] //! [14] void GraphDataGenerator::selectedFromTable(int currentRow, int currentColumn, int previousRow, int previousColumn) { Q_UNUSED(previousRow) Q_UNUSED(previousColumn) m_graph->seriesList().at(0)->setSelectedBar(QPoint(currentRow, currentColumn)); } //! [14] void GraphDataGenerator::fixTableSize() { int width = m_tableWidget->horizontalHeader()->length(); width += m_tableWidget->verticalHeader()->width(); m_tableWidget->setFixedWidth(width + 2); int height = m_tableWidget->verticalHeader()->length(); height += m_tableWidget->horizontalHeader()->height(); m_tableWidget->setFixedHeight(height + 2); }
But it says:unknown type name 'QBar3DSeries, QItemModelBarDataProxy, ...
Why? I did it like you said :)
@HenrikSt-0 said in Starting App from other class:
Did you add the needed includes in your MainWindow also? Like
#include <QtDataVisualization/qbar3dseries.h>
@HenrikSt-0 Can you show the pro file from that example?
@jsulm Yes of course!
.pro fileandroid|ios|winrt { error( "This example is not supported for android, ios, or winrt." ) } !include( ../examples.pri ) { error( "Couldn't find the examples.pri file!" ) } SOURCES += main.cpp QT += widgets requires(qtConfig(tablewidget)) OTHER_FILES += doc/src/* \ doc/images/*
.pri file
INCLUDEPATH += ../../../include LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../../../lib TEMPLATE = app QT += datavisualization contains(TARGET, qml.*) { QT += qml quick } target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]/datavisualization/$$TARGET INSTALLS += target
QT += datavisualization i have added to my pro file
@HenrikSt-0 Change the includes like this:
#include <QBar3DSeries>
QT += datavisualization
to your pro file.
@jsulm Yes, I did that..
But GraphDataGenerator also is an unknown type name...
This are my #includes in the mainwindow class:#include <QBar3DSeries> #include <Q3DBars> #include <QCategory3DAxis> #include <QItemModelBarDataProxy> #include <QValue3DAxis> #include <Q3DCamera> #include <Q3DTheme>
In the GraphDataGenerator class is everything fine and there are no #includes...
One thing>;
generator.start();Both are local variables and will be destroyed at the end of your method so they won't have any effect.
Beside that, it looks like you did not copy the classes that are currently not compiling in your project.
@HenrikSt-0 said in Starting App from other class:
It is the class in the example - did you add it to your project?