How to initialize a QNetworkAccessManager properly
Hello everyone,
As a very beginner 'sunday' Qt develloper I would like I have some questions about how to use the QNetworkAccessManager.To summarize very briefly I have a very simple API and I would like to create a very simple Qt client.
As web developper my first idea is to seperate UI management and Http request management.
So first question: is that a good pratice in Qt?Second question: the QNetworkAccessManager documentation says that one network access manager should be use for the entire application. So how should I initialize it ?
I've tried many ways but none of them worked except this one:
create a QNetworkAccessManager static variable
http_service.cpp:#include "http_service.h" static QNetworkAccessManager nam; // constructor QJsonDocument httpService::getBlob(QString url) { QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json"); QNetworkReply *reply = nam.get(request); while (!reply->isFinished()) { qApp->processEvents(); } // processing response and returing it as QJsonDocument } //...other methods to handle other tyeo of request
It work but I have the feeling that it is not very "Qt compliant".
Thanks for reading.
Hi and welcome to devnet
Just make it a member variable of the class that will be using it.
As for your separation of concerns, it's valid for all languages.
Hello SGaist,
Thank you very much for your answer.
I was sure I've already tried to make it a member variable of the class and having some error. Not a the compilation but when I tried to launch the app (app was ended forcefully as the messages read).
I had to make a mistake at the time but I can remmber I've done differently.Anyway now it's working, thank you!