[Moved] How to register for Advanced Qt exams?
Yes you should pass Essentials before Advanced exams. You will know that you've passed it after a few minutes you will finish it. But Nokia will know about it only after one day (or something like it).
I don't think that adv exams will be only one day after DevDays. I think Vladimir have meant that beta exams will start beginning from 14 October and till the end of beta mode.
@josemaria. As mentioned "on the web":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/qt-certification-advanced-exams-beta/, Qt Essentials is a pre-requisite for the "Nokia Certified Qt Specialist" title. The booking system at Pearson will allow you to schedule exams in any order. But it certainly makes sent to start with Qt Essentials, since you will get "Nokia Certified Qt Developer" after passing it. If you will pass an advanced exam before Qt Essentials, it will just come on your records, but we will wait until you will pass Qt Essentials to assign you "Nokia Certified Qt Specialist". Nevertheless, since we have the beta program running, it is currently more beneficial for you to start with an advanced exam in beta, since it is for free.
We plan to finish the analysis and other works on the results of beta by the end of 2010. Final versions of the exams are planned to be released in the beginning of 2011. This also means that there will be a period of time, when it will be not possible to take an advanced exam - beta is closed, the final version is not released yet.
any update on this topic please?..
I sent the request to "http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/contact-qt-certification":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/contact-qt-certification a couple of days ago, but still no answer... =(
thanks in advance -
I'm sorry if we were responding not that fast lately. We still have Qt Developer Days 2010 in San Francisco ahead and it needs attention.
I see a couple of other emails reporting that the beta exams are would be not available. The beta exams have been made available for Europe, the Middle East and Africa on Oct 14th. They will open in USA and other regions after the Qt Developer Days 2010 in San Francisco. I additionally made a random test (including London and Ukraine) and exams were available for scheduling in all test centers I tired. If you observe a problem, please send us the name of the test center you tired to book and this did not work.
thanks a lot! I've shcheduled my exam on 27.10 :)
I've tried to take the exam, but it couldn't load to the workstation. My administrator called PearsonVUE support and he was told that the exam is suspended by the customer (Nokia). The testing location is
Computer Academy Step - Nikolaev
Artilleriyskaya str. 6
Nikolaev 54030
UKRAINEVladimir, could you please comment on this issue?
Hi Petro,
I'm extremely sorry for this!!! Yes, there were problems with scheduling the exams in the last days. Trust me, we did not suspend any exams! For some reasons Pearson VUE, the company which delivers exams for us world-side, was not able to release exams in the way we have agreed a while ago. Trust me, I almost did not do anything else in the last days as to trace problems and make sure they are resolved. You can imagine, how unsatisfied I am....
I my last conversation with Pearson VUE, I have asked for a full status report on the delivery world wide. I will post a message on this forum as soon I will get updated information.
So now I got the final confirmation that everything (scheduling, delivery, etc) works again! Please accept our apologies for these problems! Please try again!
Thank you :)
I've scheduled the next try on 30.10 -
So, I've taken the exam (C++ with Qt) yesterday without any problems :-) In general IMHO it was too easy.
I hope that my feedback will help you.