Attempting Windows deployment - .exe file not opening with no error messages
Hi All,
I have been attempting to deploy my app to windows (a laptop without QT installed) and I am assuming I have a dependency issue, but I am getting no error messages.
Currently using: C:\Qt\5.12.6\mingw73_64
My app runs fine in QtCreator, and I have used windeployqt (with adding the qmldir as well), which works fine initially. However, I change my C:\Qt folder to C:\QtHidden (I read somewhere that this imitates not having QT installed) and my .exe file does not load. I can click on it, but no error message comes up, my mouse cursor changes to a loading cursor for a few moments, and then nothing happens. Does anyone know of a way I can log what is happening so I can try to fix it?
I also tried following 'initial deployment' instructions where I put every .dll file from /bin, and every folder from plugins and qml. The same no error and no opening problem occurs and I'm not sure what else I can do.
Any ideas?
@adamlaird could you please try running your Qt app from command line (i.e. DOS window)
@Pablo-J-Rogina Hi, thanks for your quick reply. It does nothing at all unfortunately
I posted this Question on SO as well, who directed me towards a logger which made it really easy to see what was up and lead to an easy fix.
Heres a link to the question if anyone would find it helpful: