Program exiting when closing QTcpServer and socket with a QPushButton
Hello !
I have a program that communicates via Tcp .(I'm on Qt4.7)
This is my class IHM's form that herits from QWidget. When I click on the launch button my program starts, creates a QTcpServer that connects to a distant client and a QTcpSocket connecting to a distant TcpServer and they exchange messages.
(This is dealt in an other class)Then I tried to add a initialize button that would close the sockets and clear the contents of my QTableWidget
In my IHM.cpp :void IHM::on_initialize_clicked() { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setWindowTitle("Initialization"); msgBox.setText("Are you sure you want to (re)initialize DUNE ? "); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); int ret = msgBox.exec(); msgBox.clickedButton(); switch(ret) { case QMessageBox::Yes: ui->buttonLaunch->setChecked(false); ui->tableWidget->clearContents(); ui->tableWidget->setRowCount(0); ui->tacticalPort->setEnabled(false); ui->tacticalIP->setEnabled(false); ui->comboBox->setCurrentIndex(0); if (ui->tableWidget2->isEnabled()) { ui->tableWidget2->clearContents(); ui->tableWidget2->setRowCount(0); ui->tableWidget2->setEnabled(false); } else { } if (server->getServerNrs() != NULL) { server->getServerNrs()->deleteLater(); } else { } if(server->getSocketTechnique() != NULL) { server->getSocketTechnique()->close(); server->getSocketTechnique()->deleteLater(); } else { } if(server->getSocketTactique() != NULL) { server->getSocketTactique()->close(); server->getSocketTactique()->deleteLater(); } else { } if(server->getSocketServer() != NULL) { server->getSocketServer()->close(); server->getSocketServer()->deleteLater(); } else { } break; case QMessageBox::No: msgBox.close(); break; } }
But then when I click on the yes button on my message box my program closes and i don't know why.
Here is my main.cpp :
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); IHM ihm;; return a.exec(); }
When I tried to debug :
Sometimes it went throught all myvoid IHM::on_initialize_clicked()
and then went looping on thereturn a.exec()
and exits with a :
Segmentation fault
and the other times it exited at the lineserver->getSocketServer()->deleteLater();
with the same error.I have no idea why and hope someone could help me. Thanks !