Accessing and altering the same view from different Qml files
QML and Qt Quick
I just wanna know if this is the right way of passing selected view item from main.qml to profile.qml. Here is my code:
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import UserModel 0.1 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 // Invisible Row used to access and alter view defined in some other Qml file Row { id: helper visible: false // other helper functions... property variant m: null // global variable function show_profile(model){ helper.m = model home.pop() home.push("Profile.qml") } } StackView { id: home anchors.fill: parent padding: 0 initialItem: Pane { id: pane ListView { anchors.fill: parent delegate: SwipeDelegate { width: parent.width height: 50 text: swipe.onCompleted: { if (swipe.position > 0) // passing item of view to different qml file helper.show_profile(model, "Profile") swipe.close() } swipe.left: Label { id: profile_swipe text: qsTr("Profile") color: "white" verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter padding: 12 height: parent.height anchors.left: parent.left } } model: UserModel { id: user_model } } } } }
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 Pane { id: profile padding: 0 RowLayout { id: user_detail Button { id: back text: "Back" onClicked: { helper.m = null home.pop() } } Label { id: username text: } Label { id: address text: helper.m.address } Label { id: join_date text: helper.m.join_date } Button { id: del text: "Delete" onClicked: { user_model.removeRow(helper.m.index) back.clicked() } } } }
the right way of having same view in different Qml files ? -
You can get
instance fromProfile.qml
quite easy, using StackView attached properties. Define new property at your StackView:StackView { id: home property var modeldata: null // Define StackView property initialItem: Pane { ... ListView { ... delegate: SwipeDelegate { ... swipe.onCompleted: { if (swipe.position > 0) { home.modeldata = model; // Set StackView property home.pop(); home.push("Profile.qml"); } ... } ... } } } }
And then at
you can easily get attached StackView property:Pane { id: profile ... Button { ... text: "Delete" onClicked: { let modeldata = profile.StackView.view.modeldata; // Accessing StackView property via attached properties if (modeldata !== null) { user_model.removeRow(modledata.index); } ... } } }
In this case you do not need workaround with helper row. Also if you need some objects like your helper - better way is to use
rather than visual 'invisible' object.