Blurred background for Main window
General and Desktop
Using QMainWindow, I want to make the main window (root window) to have blurred transparency as like the screenshot I have attached here.
I am able to do this blurred background (Screen behind the window is blurred) using the pure native implementation for Mac using NSVisualEffectView available on Mac in Objective-C.
But i want to implement the same effect using Qt.
- (void)awakeFromNib { [super awakeFromNib]; [self applyBlurVisualEffect]; } - (void)applyBlurVisualEffect { NSVisualEffectView *view = [[NSVisualEffectView alloc] initWithFrame:self.contentView.bounds]; view.blendingMode = NSVisualEffectBlendingModeBehindWindow; view.material = NSVisualEffectMaterialDark; view.state = NSVisualEffectStateActive; [self setContentView:view]; }
Is there any Qt Widget attribute or Application Attribute or any other Qt API available for achieving this effect?
As far as I know, there is nothing like that in Qt. It can blur widgets but not the actual desktop.