Hi Qt Engineer,
I have a question about QML. I need to choose one line in Canvas but can't find the isPointInStroke() method. there only isPointInPath() method I can see.
Will Qt provide isPointInStroke() method in futrure version?
Look forward to your reply,thanks.
(My Qt version is Qt 5.12.4)
Best regards.---Alvin
Hi and welcome to devnet forum
This is a user driven forum where you might get help in case you need better understanding of functionality.
Basically nobody in this forum is able to predict exactly what features may come.There is the bugreporting tool where also feature requests may be placed. https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa
Have a look there and check if the feature is already placed. Otherwise you may it and it may be implemented some time in the future.