Change background for hover item in QFontComboBox?
I want to change the background to a grey color of the item that the mouse hovers over in a QFontComboBox. I've tried with all of these styles but none works
combo_box_fonts->setStyleSheet(QString("QFontComboBox {background-color: white; color: black; border: 0px solid white; border-radius: 3px;}" "QFontComboBox QAbstractItemView {background-color: white; color: black;}" "QFontComboBox QAbstractItemView::item:hover {background: #d9d9d9; color: black;}" "QFontComboBox QListView::item:hover {background: #d9d9d9; color: black;}" "QListView::item:hover {background: #d9d9d9; color: black;}" "QFontComboBox QListView:hover {background: #d9d9d9; color: black;} "QFontComboBox::item:hover {background: #d9d9d9; color: black;}" "QFontComboBox:on:hover {background: #d9d9d9; color: black;}"));
I've tried all of these styles by themselves and all of these styles together, but the background color of the hovered item is always red.
Edit: There is no error and every style I've applied have worked, besides :hover
we can see the object tree.QFontComboBox::fontComboBox QLineEdit:: QWidgetLineControl:: QCompleter:: QCompletionModel:: QComboBoxPrivateContainer:: QBoxLayout:: QComboBoxListView:: QWidget::qt_scrollarea_viewport QWidget::qt_scrollarea_hcontainer QScrollBar:: QBoxLayout:: QWidget::qt_scrollarea_vcontainer QScrollBar:: QBoxLayout:: QItemSelectionModel:: QItemSelectionModel:: QStringListModel:: QFontFamilyDelegate::
We can see its a QComboBoxListView
and doing
QComboBoxListView {background: red}
does change its background
However, the items are drawn using a delegate (QFontFamilyDelegate) and it seems it does not care for ::hover setting.
I tried styling it with
*:hover {color: red;}
No text turned red when I hovered. I guess that means that the background color of the item hovered is controlled by something else...
So my theory is, @mrjj, that I have to change the source code of where the item is changed and then build Qt from source, is that right? I've got no other alternative?
well you also take the delegate code and reuse
that to make a version where it draws as you want.
(using option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver ) to react to hover.
and set you delegate with ui->fontComboBox->setItemDelegate.Update:
yep very possible.
.h file with the code
include that in project and do
ui->fontComboBox->setItemDelegate(new QFontFamilyDelegate(this));Disclaimer, i used 5 mins on it. so the actual hover drawing needs more love.
It was just a check to verify it was indeed possible :) -
@mrjj your file works like a charm! Thanks for the help!