Showing data from multiple SQLite tables
I have a SQLite database with 6 tables (some of them with two foreign keys). What would be the easiest solution to create a view to display data (join on multiple tables)?
I found out, that the QSqlRelationalTableModel works well, but only with one table / one join.
QSqlQueryModel and QSqlTableModel both dont provide the foreign key support with delegates.Is there a way to keep the foreign key support with the possibility of joining data from multiple tables together with simple insertation? How to insert / alter / delete data? Do I have to write querys for every single change?
Just put your query with the joins into a QSqlQueryModel
SqlQueryModel works with Delegates and Relations?
I dont want to write thousand lines of code just for the querys.
And I guess you can not change a value there by clicking into the model and start typing?From QSqlQueryModel Doc:
The model is read-only by default. To make it read-write, you must subclass it and reimplement setData() and flags(). Another option is to use QSqlTableModel, which provides a read-write model based on a single database table.So I have to code every functionality that e.g. the QSqlRelationalTableModel provides?
That's a lot of work.... -
I don't understand what you mean - you said you want to display data from different tables. So what's wrong writing a query with a join on all columns you want to display and pass t to a QSqlQueryModel?
Editing such data will not work with any of the convenience QSql*Models in your case - you have to write your own model then. -
Ok, didn't know that... Thought all Models are editable (Views obviously not)
Edit: I can edit when I'm using a QSqlRelationalTableModel... this comes very close to what I want / need, but it only works on one table :(
This is what I said - how should the model be able to update data in different tables when they are all joined? This is a task which can't be done generally (at least not for all cases). You have to do it on your own.
Hm ok... That's not what I wanted to hear :D
Thank you anyway.
I think, I will subclass QSqlQueryModel then and write functions to make the model writable...