Android service java method is returning always same value to Qt Android service
I'm trying to return value to Qt service from java service code. Java always returns initial value for variable. However when I run same code in Qt main activity, it is working.
Code in BackService java class:
public static int SAYK = 0; public static void callNorm(int valSy) { BackService.SAYK = valSy; System.out.println("Result= "+BackService.SAYK); } public static int retStt() { return BackService.SAYK; }
C++ code in Qt Service:
int jobj = QAndroidJniObject::callStaticMethod<jint>("org/qtproject/example_v2/BackService", "retStt", "()I");
When I call "callNorm" function from java, system prints new value of SAYK. But when I call "retStt" from Qt service, it returns only initial value 0. I tried also with callStaticObjectMethod, getStaticField, java native functions(gives unsatisfied link error) etc. Unfortunately, none of these worked. Also I can call java functions that has not return value from Qt Service, without problems.
IIRC since you calling from Qt (which runs in a separate thread) you get separate static variables other than the java thread.Try if that works for you:
jint jobj; QtAndroid::runOnAndroidThreadSync([&jobj](){ jobj = QAndroidJniObject::callStaticMethod<jint>("org/qtproject/example_v2/BackService", "retStt", "()I"); });