BindValue() in QPSQL is not working?
when I try use bindValue in query I get error:QPSQL: Unable to prepare statement", "LINE 1: LIMIT :limitValue...\n" <42703>
Example query:
QString query_text = "SELECT * FROM schema.invoice WHERE invoice.status = 1 ORDER BY LIMIT :limitValue FOR UPDATE" query.prepare(query_text); query.bindValue(":limitValue",limit); query.exec();
I ruled out bad query, because if I use QString("query").arg(limit) it's works.
So, how to correct use bindValue with QPSQL?Qt version 5.9.5, DataBase version: PostgreSQL 10.5
I presume ('coz it works like this MS SQL Server):LIMIT
) cannot be followed by a variable, only by an in-line constant number? That's whyarg()
works but notprepare
. Or am I barking up the wrong tree? -
Now I checked for syntax:"... WHERE invoice_id = :invoiceID "
and it's still not working.
I found more info here:
and now I would like to try db.driver()->isIdentifierEscaped(), but i don't know what to insert as identifier.UPDATE:
If you want check, how to replace bindValue into query example:query.bindValue(":invoiceID",id_faktury); qDebug() << db.driver()->escapeIdentifier(":invoiceID",QSqlDriver::FieldName);
Sorry, have you verified whatqDebug() << db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::NamedPlaceholders);
returns? Or are you saying your code now works withescapeIdentifier()
? -
Yup, i verified what bindValue returns by qDebug() << db.driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::NamedPlaceholders);
Now I'm testing other binding approaches. -
I don't think that bind variables can be used for
. -
it's looks like you're right. So I have to use QString.args(...).But could you explain, how to use escapeIdentifier() in practise?
@BartoszPaj said in BindValue() in QPSQL is not working?:
could you explain, how to use escapeIdentifier() in practise?
returns a string that is an SQL-injection safe version of the argument.
Take this example:const QString userName = QInputDialog::getText(nullptr, tr("Username"), tr("User name:"), QLineEdit::Normal); const QString password = QInputDialog::getText(nullptr, tr("Password"), tr("Password:"), QLineEdit::Normal); QSqlQuery authQuery; authQuery.prepare(QStringLiteral("select username from users where password='%1' and username='%2'").arg(password , userName)); if(authQuery.exec() &&{ emit authenticated() }
This is unsafe (on many levels but we'll focus on SQL injection here) as inserting as input in both dialogues
' or ''='
will always authenticate the user as the resulting query isselect username from users where password='' or ''='' and username='' or ''=''
fixes this problem:const QString userName = QInputDialog::getText(nullptr, tr("Username"), tr("User name:"), QLineEdit::Normal); const QString password = QInputDialog::getText(nullptr, tr("Password"), tr("Password:"), QLineEdit::Normal); QSqlQuery authQuery; const QString escapedUserName = authQuery.driver()->escapeIdentifier(userName ,QSqlDriver::FieldName); const QString escapedPassword = authQuery.driver()->escapeIdentifier(password ,QSqlDriver::FieldName); authQuery.prepare(QStringLiteral("select username from users where password='%1' and username='%2'").arg(escapedPassword , escapedUserName )); if(authQuery.exec() &&{ emit authenticated() }
The resulting query will be
select username from users where password=''' or ''''=''' and username=''' or ''''='''
I tested a similar query (slightly modified tst_qsqlquery autotest) and it works fine for me:
QVERIFY( q.prepare( "select * from " + qtest_prepare + " where id = :id order by id LIMIT :limit FOR UPDATE" ) ); q.bindValue( ":id", i ); q.bindValue( ":limit", 1 ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, exec() ); QVERIFY_SQL( q, next() ); returns false if I pass 0 for :limit in bindValue().
Postgres 11 with Qt 5.13/dev -
@Christian-Ehrlicher , may it be.
But I'm using Qt 5.9.x & 5.12.x with Postgres 9.3 :/This time i have somthing like this when I use bindValue:
QString(INSERT INTO schema.table ( id_klienta ) VALUES ( :id_klienta ) returning id_pomiar) INSERT INTO schema.table ( id_klienta ) VALUES ( ? ) returning id_pomiar
after bindValue etc. i get
"42601", "QPSQL: Unable to create query" "ERROR: syntax error at or near \"ng\"\nLINE 1: ...pso_online.pomiary_all ( id_klienta ) VALUES ( 643ng id_pomi...\n ^\n(42601)"
When I check query into Postegres in pg_stat_activity
query: INSERT INTO schema.table ( id_klienta ) VALUES ( 643ng id_pomiar
Please show some code.
I can't show all code (contract restrictions):
QString ContentSynchronization::insertMeasurement(params) { //... some code if other table name then... return QString("INSERT INTO %1.%2 " "(" " id_klienta, " " model," " tbw" " ) " " VALUES " " ( " " :id_klienta, " " :model," " :tbw )" " ) " " RETURNING " " id INTO " " id_pomiar ") .arg(schema).arg(table_name); }
void ContentSynchronization::insertMeasurement_bindValues(QSqlQuery *query_ptr, unsigned int clientID, const DataBaseSynchThread::TypesOfMeasurementStatus status, Measurement measurement, measurement_table table) { query_ptr->bindValue(":id_klienta",clientID); query_ptr->bindValue(":model",measurement.model); }
Block where all executed
QString queryText = insertMeasurement(data.connection->schema(),cashe); data.connection->setQueryText(queryText); insertMeasurement_bindValues(data.connection->query(),clientID,status,measumerent,cashe); if(data.connection->execute())
But, I solved problem, by position placeholders.
driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::NamedPlaceholders) returns false.
@bartoszpaj said in BindValue() in QPSQL is not working?:
driver()->hasFeature(QSqlDriver::NamedPlaceholders) returns false.
Good catch. I think it's because support for PostgreSQL 10 was added in a later version. If the version is not known to the driver it will fall back to the oldest.