Restrict resize of a Widget.
I have Image viewer with some navigation controls.
So, in QGraphicsView there's a QGraphicsScene where I set the image by pixmap.
Based on the pixmaps width and height, I have restricted the min size of the QGraphicsView as well as the whole widget.
Now increasing the size of the main widget, it should allow to resize if the width : height ratio matches the image's aspect ratio and the image will scale.
Let's say my image is 640 : 480, so ratio is 1.3333. Now when I try to resize my ImageViewer, the QGraphicsViewer's new size should have the ratio of 1.333, else the ImageViewer shouldn't resize.
So, I have overriden resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) of the ImageViewer, but I couldn't restrict the resize only on valid conditions. This resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) gets called whenever I drag the corners.Any suggestions are appreciated!!
Sayan -
You can try using the event filters and fix the size once it reaches certain limit.
If you want to have a specific aspect ratio, then you should rather handle the resizing in a container widget that would have the ImageViewer as member variable.
@SGaist I tried your suggestion, but the resize event gets called after the widget has resized.
I tried the below, but it fails on start only,-> no widget is takes size 0,
double ratio = "1.3"; double windowRatio = (double) width() / height(); if(ratio == s) { QMdiSubWindow::resizeEvent(event); } else { resize(event->oldSize()); }
@dheerendra Sir can you explain a bit more in detail.
Are you asking to installEventFilters for resize event? -
The idea is that you have your container widget getting resized and in its resize event, you change the size of the inner widgets with the ratio you want.