Is there a simple way to use pinch to zoom an image at the center of the pinch gesture?
I want to use a pinch control to zoom and image and also be able to drag the zoomed image with one finger or while zooming. I can easily do this by attaching an image as the pinch target of a PinchArea and also setting it as the drag target of a MouseArea. However, this only zooms this image at the Image's transformOrigin, which is the center by default. This is not ideal, as it makes zooming the image on a touchscreen difficult if you want to zoom to a point on the edge, as oyu zoom onto the center and then have to pan. I know I can set a Scale item to the transform property of the Image, but then I lose the simplicity of attaching it to the pinch target. Is there any way to do this without having to reinvent the wheel?
Keith -
I have some code of how I did it. I haven't made any efforts to make it nice, but it does work. It also allows zooming in using a mouse wheel or by double clicking, so it is cross platform. I hope this helps you. If you have any questions just ask. You will need to set a source for the image for this to work, and possibly change some things. Mostly this was just to show you how I did it using a Flickable and a PinchArea
Flickable { id: flick Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true contentHeight: height contentWidth: width clip: true ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar{active: flick.contentHeight/flick.height > 1 ? true : false} ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar{active: flick.contentWidth/flick.width > 1 ? true : false} boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds PinchArea { id: pinch width: Math.max(flick.contentWidth, flick.width) height: Math.max(flick.contentHeight, flick.height) property real initialWidth property real initialHeight onPinchStarted: { initialWidth = flick.contentWidth initialHeight = flick.contentHeight } onPinchUpdated: { var newWidth = initialWidth * pinch.scale var newHeight = initialHeight * pinch.scale if (newWidth < flick.width || newHeight < flick.height) { flick.resizeContent(flick.width, flick.height, Qt.point(flick.width/2, flick.height/2)) } else { flick.contentX += pinch.previousCenter.x - flick.contentY += pinch.previousCenter.y - flick.resizeContent(initialWidth * pinch.scale, initialHeight * pinch.scale, } } onPinchFinished: { // Move its content within bounds. flick.returnToBounds() } Image { id: image width: flick.contentWidth height: flick.contentHeight fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onDoubleClicked: { flick.resizeContent(flick.contentWidth*1.5, flick.contentHeight*1.5, Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY)) } onWheel: { if (wheel.angleDelta.y/120*flick.contentWidth*0.1+flick.contentWidth > flick.width && wheel.angleDelta.y/120*flick.contentHeight*0.1+flick.contentHeight > flick.height) { flick.resizeContent(wheel.angleDelta.y/120*flick.contentWidth*0.1+flick.contentWidth, wheel.angleDelta.y/120*flick.contentHeight*0.1+flick.contentHeight, Qt.point(flick.contentX + mouse.mouseX, flick.contentY + mouse.mouseY)) flick.returnToBounds() } else { flick.resizeContent(flick.width, flick.height, Qt.point(flick.width/2, flick.height/2)) flick.returnToBounds() } } } } } }
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