QCameraImageCapture resource error on imageSave
I'm currently trying to capture a still image with a QCamera Widget, but whenever i try to run the capture() function of QCameraImageCapture, it errors and gives me a QCameraImageCapture::ResourceError "Could not save image to file."
Ive tried my hardest to copy directly from the QCamera example from QT, whilst cutting out the video recording part of it as i only need still images.
This is my widget's constructor
connect(saveImageButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(saveImagePressed())); if (!checkCameraAvailability()) close(); QList<QCameraInfo> cameras = QCameraInfo::availableCameras(); availableCameras->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); QPalette p = palette(); p.setBrush(QPalette::Highlight, QBrush(Qt::white)); p.setBrush(QPalette::HighlightedText, QBrush(Qt::black)); availableCameras->setPalette(p); foreach(const QCameraInfo &ci, cameras) { QCheckBox *cam = new QCheckBox(ci.description()); QListWidgetItem *lwi = new QListWidgetItem(); availableCameras->addItem(lwi); availableCameras->setItemWidget(lwi, cam); } m_camera.reset(new QCamera(QCameraInfo::availableCameras()[0])); connect(m_camera.data(), QOverload<QCamera::Error>::of(&QCamera::error), this, &WebCamDialog::displayCameraError); m_camera->setViewfinder(ui->viewFinder); m_camera->viewfinderSettings().setResolution(QSize(400, 400)); qDebug() << m_camera->viewfinderSettings().resolution(); m_camera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureStillImage); m_imageCapture.reset(new QCameraImageCapture(m_camera.data())); connect(m_imageCapture.data(), QOverload<int, QCameraImageCapture::Error, const QString &>::of(&QCameraImageCapture::error), this, &WebCamDialog::displayCaptureError); connect(m_imageCapture.data(), SIGNAL(imageCaptured(int, const QImage)), this, SLOT(imageCaptured(int, const QImage))); connect(m_imageCapture.data(), SIGNAL(imageSaved(int, const QString)), this, SLOT(imageSaved(int, const QString))); m_camera->start();
this is my capture function when a button is pressed
void WebCamDialog::saveImagePressed() { qDebug() << m_imageCapture->isReadyForCapture(); qDebug() << m_camera->lockStatus() << m_imageCapture->isReadyForCapture(); m_imageCapture->capture(); }
the above qDebug returns true, QCamera::Unlocked, true
these are my imageSaved, imageCaptured, and error functions
void WebCamDialog::imageCaptured(int id, const QImage &i) { QLabel *im = new QLabel(); im->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(i)); im->show(); } void WebCamDialog::imageSaved(int id, const QString &s) { qDebug() << s; } void WebCamDialog::displayCaptureError(int id, QCameraImageCapture::Error error, const QString &errorString) { Q_UNUSED(id); qDebug() << error; qDebug() << tr("Image Capture Error") << errorString; }
imageCaptured displays the captured image correctly, imageSaved is never reached. I only have one camera available so i've ommited the actual selecting of a camera, and just made it default to the only camera i have
Try adding
QCheckBox *cam = new QCheckBox(ci.description()); vailableCameras->setItemWidget(lwi, cam);
Hurts my feelings. See https://forum.qt.io/post/486329 it applies also to
with the only difference that you don't, obviously, specify a column