QKeyPress - Simulating key press
Re: [SOLVED] QKeyPress - Simulating key press
I tried the same approach, but not able to get written on the lineEdit widget
ui->lineEdit->setFocus(); QKeyEvent *key_press = new QKeyEvent(QKeyEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_X, Qt::NoModifier); QApplication::sendEvent(ui->lineEdit, key_press);
QApplication::postEvent(ui->lineEdit, key_press);
also didn't succeed.
I tried the below also and didn't get any result.
QKeyEvent key(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_X, Qt::NoModifier); QApplication::sendEvent(ui->lineEdit, &key); if (key.isAccepted()) { qDebug()<<"everything is ok"; } else { qDebug()<<"something wrong"; }
Please suggest what am I missing.
Sayan -
For my keyboard i do like thisauto FOCUSOBJ = QGuiApplication::focusObject();
QString keyStr(QKeySequence(key).toString()); // key is int with keycode
QKeyEvent pressEvent = QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, key, Qt::NoModifier, keyStr);
QKeyEvent releaseEvent = QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyRelease, key, Qt::NoModifier);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(FOCUSOBJ, &pressEvent);
QCoreApplication::sendEvent(FOCUSOBJ, &releaseEvent);which makes keyboard type into editlines etc.
@sayan275 Dear Sayan I think you may know the answer to my problem. I'm struggling to send a self-defined event from main.cpp to the ui->boardView in mainwindow.cpp, as the ui->boardView is only defined in mainwindow.cpp. Yet the eventfilter can only be installed on the ui->boardView. It seems you've done similar sth similar. Could you please tell me how to realize such feature? (there are also detailed code about this which I put on stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60424216/how-to-use-eventfilter-under-child-widget-to-catch-self-define-event)