Change QGraphicsTextItem edit trigger from single click to double click
I am working on a patch for the QtCharts module ( which main goal is making chart labels (QGrapcshiTextItems) editable.
I can easily enable the editing of the QGraphicsTextItem with the QGraphicsTextItem::setTextInteractionFlags, but by default a single click will enable the edit mode.
The reviewers asked me to change this behavior to double click.
I have tried to ignore the event in the reimplemented mousePressEvent, but the single click still triggers the editing.
Any other idea would be welcome!
What about using mouseDoubleClickEvent ?
Hi Sam,
Thank you for your hint, but my first problem was preventing the edit trigger on single click.
For the posterity I have ended up with the following solution:
- Disable the textInteraction flags by default
- Override the QGraphicsTextItem::sceneEvent with the following:
bool ValueAxisLabel::sceneEvent(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick) { setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextEditorInteraction); bool ret = QGraphicsTextItem::sceneEvent(event); // QGraphicsTextItem::sceneevent needs to be processed before // the focus setFocus(Qt::MouseFocusReason); return ret; } return QGraphicsTextItem::sceneEvent(event); }
The textInteractionFlags should be disabled in the overridden focusOutEvent.