Meta Object Compiler (MOC)
I am teaching myself Qt and using a number of resources, including a SAMS Teach yourself QT in 24 Hours which was published in 2000.
It talks of the MOC but as it written in 1999, assuming a Linux/Unix system.
I can't seem to find the location of it, to be used in a Command Line environment under Windows 10.Has it's application and functionality changed in 18 years?
If so, how is it used in its current form.Thanks,
Apart from maybe some historical value there's little point in learning Qt from almost 2 decades old materials. Some basic concepts like QOjects or moc is still there but pretty much everything else, from the api itself to tools parameters have changed since. I would strongly suggest getting something more recent.
Here's the documentation for current moc: Using the Meta-Object Compiler. The executable is located in the bin directory of your Qt installation (next to all the dlls).
Thank you for this.
I like the SAMS Publishing books because they are easy to follow.
I am not a fan of online tutorials with no clear format or course structure and has random links jumping everywhere - I'd prefer clear, coherent text that goes from A to Z.Sadly, the only "Teach Yourself" book that I could find is this one and it is 20 years old.
Is there a publication that does this and is up to date?
Take a look at this thing. Although it's an online resource it is structured like a book, with A to Z flow. You can download it in an offline pdf or ebook.
I have seen this before, but (from what I can see) I note that it appears to be in QML and not C++.
I am wishing to use QT with C++.Am I mistaken here or is there a similar publication that caters for C++?
It may seem like a newb question, so I do apologise.
Can you please explain?Thanks.
@Uberlinc How about this: