Could somebody teach me how to install this?
I need to install this library i don't know how.... I have installed Qt5.7 with MinGW53
I tried downloading this file and then copying the folders into qt_directory/5.7/mingw53_32, the QtCreator finds the files (header files) but it doesn't work propertly (i.e: i just can see the objects, but i dont have access to the methods or functions).
Please help, i'm newbie and i can't find information about this.
First of all, "qt59" means that it is built with Qt 5.9
i dont have access to the methods or functions
What do you mean? Do you see compilation errors?
@Konstantin-Tokarev said in Could somebody teach me how to install this?:
What do you mean? Do you see compilation errors?
No, I just can't see them...
Supose that i try to make a Object sample_object, them if i try to do somethin like "sample_object." it should show me the avaliable methods but instead the list is empty...I will download the version 5.9 and try again...
@JScars Did you add QT += webkitwidgets to your project?
@Konstantin-Tokarev said in Could somebody teach me how to install this?:
QT += webkitwidgets
It' seems that it works! I was putting instead
QT += webkit
Sorry for disturbing you :c I went very stupid X.x anyway i will install the 5.9 version
Thanks a lot!!
I can't use QWebViewQWebView *view = new QWebView(parent);
it cause the following error
The program has unexpectedly finished.
i hope that it's because i haven't the 5.9 version. I will write tomorrow if the problem gets solved, my internet connection is slow and i'm downloading the Qt 5.9 right now.
@Konstantin-Tokarev it work's!! But there is an error when i use the debug profile to compile... The program runs only in the release and "profile", but it's fine for me :D thanks a lot.
@JScars That's a known bug,
@JScars Quick workaround is to run
strip bin\Qt5WebKitd.dll