How to split Array
I am new for Qt C++. I am trying to receive a string from server which includes data.
I have tried with one String sending from server, received via websocket. I have stored that, then taken to another thread. Here I have posted my code, what I have done. I don't know whether that is correct or not.
Kindly assist me to get a solution for that.
websocket.cpp (I will receive the string from server, it contains data)
else if(message.contains("starting")) { startvalue = message; qDebug() << startvalue; }
Received message from server
startval = EchoClient::startvalue; QStringList value = startval.split("|");
So, I can easily split and assign the function.
For Example if I receive like this
"start|value|1|5" , "start|value|3|5" , "start|value|5|5" , "start|value|7|5" , "start|value|10|6"
I can split but how can I complete each task one by one ?
Task 1 : start|value|1|5 Task 2 : start|value|3|5 Task 3 : start|value|5|5 Task 4 : start|value|7|5 Task 5 : start|value|10|6
How can I use Array for this ? First I want to split each one then One by one I want to complete all task, it should not get interfere.
@Geeva Sorry, but I don't get what exactly the problem is?
"I can split but how can I complete each task one by one ?" - what do you mean? What is the problem?
Also shouldn't this beelse if(message.contains("starting"))
else if(message.contains("start"))
Ya I have wrongly mentioned. It will be start only. What I have done.
This message I have received from server
Received message spitted using this
QStringList value = startval.split("|");
x = 10; y = 5;
Now I can do whatever I want. I have tried that is working fine.
Here is the problem. If I receive like this
"start|value|1|5" , "start|value|3|5" , "start|value|5|5" , "start|value|7|5" , "start|value|10|6"
Everything have different task, lets say above 5 tasks
Task 1 : start|value|1|5 Task 2 : start|value|3|5 Task 3 : start|value|5|5 Task 4 : start|value|7|5 Task 5 : start|value|10|6
Question 1 : I think I can able to split similar I have tried with one task. Or else any other ways I want to use ?
Question 2 : After splitting now I have 5 tasks. I want to complete one by one. After completed first task then only I can use and complete 2nd task. How can I create those structure ? How can I use Array for that ? or else any other way ?
@Geeva array is a bit inflexible for your task here, as they, generally, have a fixed size.
I would suggest using a QList or an QVector
QList<QList<QString> > myList; //or QVector<QVector<QString> > myVector
you can add an other List. In your case here:QList<QList<QString>> myList; myList.append(startval.split("|"));
You access the list via the first indx of the list:
QStringList sl =; QString s =; //alternativly myList[0][0]
@J-Hilk Thanks for your response. I have tried QList for one task that is working fine, but how can I check with remaining task ?
It should complete the first task then only it should go for another task.
What I have done with first task.
startvalue = Server::Start; qDebug() << "Value Received from server :" << startvalue; QStringList first = startvalue.split("|"); int firstSize = first.size(); qDebug() << "size :" << firstSize; if(firstSize == 5){ first1 = first[2]; first2 = first[3]; }..........(continue)
From here I will check array size and split after that whatever the value I want I will take and use this is for one task.
For multiple task ? I don't have experience, kindly elaborate your answer.
The easies way is to move your task into its own function that expects q QList<QString> as an argument:void myClass::myFunction(QList<QString> startvalue){ //do stuff eg: qDebug() << "Value Received from server :" << startvalue; QStringList first = startvalue.split("|"); int firstSize = first.size(); qDebug() << "size :" << firstSize; if(firstSize == 5){ first1 = first[2]; first2 = first[3]; }..........(continue) }
then you call that function for each and every item in your QList<QList<QString>>
QList<QList<QString> > myList for(QList<QString> ls : myList){ myFunction(ls); }