Converting a UTC time to local time
General and Desktop
int y = ...; int mm = ...; int d = ...; int h = ...; int m = ...; int s = ...; QDate date(y, mm, d); QTime time(h, m, s); QDateTime localTime = QDateTime(date, time, Qt::UTC).toLocalTime();
Now you just need to fill up the ints (e.g. by bit shifting and masking) of your received data.
Thanks - works a treat.
Here's my finished solution:uchar h = BCDtoHex(inData->at(18)); uchar m = BCDtoHex(inData->at(19)); uchar s = BCDtoHex(inData->at(20)); QDate date; if(h > 12) date = QDate::fromJulianDay((inData->at(16) << 8) + inData->at(17) + 2400001); else date = QDate::fromJulianDay((inData->at(16) << 8) + inData->at(17) + 2400000); QTime time(h, m, s, 0); QDateTime localTime = QDateTime(date, time, Qt::UTC).toLocalTime();
The JulianDate thing needs some testing since my input data is in ModifiedJulianDate.
If it does not work like above I have an extensive calculation formula on hand. However, the above would be quicker. -
I have a follow up question:
Is there an easy way to 'add' times - despite doing it manually and take care of the 'carry-over' at 60 and stuff?uchar dh = BCDtoHex(inData->at(21)); uchar dm = BCDtoHex(inData->at(22)); uchar ds = BCDtoHex(inData->at(23)); QTime duration(dh, dm, ds, 0); // now add this to time from above to get the endtime, i.e. something like: QTime end = time + duration; QDateTime localEndTime = QDateTime(date, end, Qt::UTC).toLocalTime();
why don't you simply take a look at the QDateTime docs?! I am sure you will find the method on your own... -
Seems I was not looking at the right place or not well enough.QTime zero(0, 0, 0, 0); QDateTime EndTimeLocal = StartTimeLocal.addSecs(zero.secsTo(duration));
Thanks anyway :-)