Build fails as ui_mainwindow.h not found
Apart from previous posts, looks like you changed the UI file name.
FORMS += main window.uiI'm seeing blank space between main and window.ui. Is it mainwindow.ui or window.ui ? If it is window.ui,it must be generating ui_window.h file. Please check that. So you must include the ui_windows.h instead of ui_mainwindow.h
I have posted my pro file again.please have a look. -
This looks ok. Do you have the problem still ? Can you create a new project with all default settings in your QtCreator & check everything works ?
Yes I created a new project but the problem is still coming. Also there was Qt5cored.dll file which was missing. I added that also.
Is this problem because of that? -
Ok. I suspect that issue with your installation. One last check b4 u get into further. I'm assuiming that you are working on windows system. Do you see uic.exe executable in bin directory of your installation ?
Yes it is there -
as @jsulm already suggested, you better install the new version and try. My suspect is that you have installed some other software which has old Qt library in path. This must be causing the issue.