QT5 & Swift dance together ... Super its run ... Many thanks
I solved my Swift TrayIcon search ... is here other having Swift experience?
https://github.com/msorvig/qt-and-swiftYou do not make a library but just a framework and mixed your swift code & nice mac access to system.
C++ and Swift interop is possible, but not at the level of Objective C++, where for example Objective C objects can be used from C++ code.
in main.cpp
#define EXPORT attribute((visibility("default")))
extern "C" EXPORT NSView *createQtApplicationView();let qtView = createQtApplicationView()
contentView.addSubview(qtView)export your app widget and all together apps editor i made…
all action from console i prefer, is not need to load a 3GB Xcode editor
cd SandboxDir
git clone https://github.com/msorvig/qt-and-swift.git
cd QtApplication // dir
qmake & make
// after steep by step
macdeployqt QtApplication.framework -deploy-framework
install_name_tool -add_rpath @loader_path/../../Frameworks/ QtApplication.framework/Contents/PlugIns/platforms/libqcocoa.dylib
cd QtAndSwift // dir
xcodebuild -project QtAndSwift.xcodeproj -configuration "Release" -
Cool :)
Thx for sharing. -
Many tanks for doc to forum... button.. :-)
is here a way to edit post in a little bigger window.. i can only see 4 line text ... i dont have a 6000 pix screen... only 1500 or so... -
mrjj Lifetime Qt Championreplied to patrik08 on 9 Aug 2017, 21:23 last edited by mrjj 8 Sept 2017, 21:24
What window do you talk about ? :) -
Well its the width of screen /2 sort of. -
oh tank .... button & icon say .... not so mach..
Usability-Test <>
well it doesn't give much in width anyway, just height.
@patrik08 : I am trying to mix normal QT application with Swift code in order to load the receipt of purchasing an app from app store as requested in this, since you have good experience with Swift and QT C++ code, i would appreciate if you provide an example for this case to the tracker. Thanks alot