Starting a python project in qt creator, how?
i'm afraid this isn't possible but i'm still asking.. anyways here comes nothing.
So, in qt designer, i can make GUIs with relative ease using widgets and connecting boxes to buttons etc, and after i'm done i can just convert the created .ui file to a .py file with a simple command. Now the problem is, it creates really simplistic (and imo ugly) GUIs and what i have seen, Qt creator has much better results
as seen in here--> after some googling it turns out that you can (from what i've noticed) only create c++ projects but no python ones. Yes, you can use it to create python programs but no gui development seems to be possible with creator, only with designer.
@Pataruutu Actually QtCreator uses Designer to create GUIs, so I'm wondering why GUIs designed in Designer are uglier compared to QtCreator?
Hi the video you link is QML :)
So its its the reason it looks differently.The one you call ugly is QWidgets and it uses the default look of the platform.
It seems you can use QML with pyt