Triangulator for QPainterPath
I have complex closed QPainterPath, does Qt have a built-in tool for triangulation? At the exit I needed triangles to Opengl rendering...
P.S.: my closed path may have holes... -
Hi! No, there's no triangulation functionality included. If you're fine with GPL / LGPL then have a look at the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library.
Thanks, but I do not fit GPL...
I need a triangulation algorithm arbitrary polygon with holes in C ++ ... -
The only other good stand-alone implementation I know of is Triangle by J.R. Shewchuk. But I don't know how much he charges for a license.
I seen this link....this suitable for finite element analysis, but i don't need large mesh, i need simple mesh for rendering (OpenGL)...
Hmm.... How about OpenGL Tesselator? May he made triangles for arbitrary polygin with holes? I don't think so...
I should to find out good algorithm and realize it on C++ for triangulate arbitrary polygon with holes... May be you know realy good and fast algorithms ? -
There is a reason why there are almost no usable free implementations out there: Because it's harder than one would think at first sight. Maybe start which Shewchuk's papers to get a first idea of the problem.