Conflict between two libraries QGui4.lib and qwt.lib
I 'm builting in a release mode and I had a linking problem:
1>QtGui4.lib(QtGui4.dll) : error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall QWidget::resize(int,int)"
(?resize@QWidget@@QAEXHH@Z) already defined in qwt.lib(qwt_legend.obj)They were compiled in release and Multi-threaded DLL modes...
It seems conflict between these two libraries...
I can´t remove one of them and I can´t remove the function from any of these libraries...
Could you help me, please...?
Thank you very much
All the best
Ricardo Sousa
Thank you Gerolf
You are right.. I thought that the lib file was an import library.
I also tried to create an import library for qwt but I only got a .dll because I don´t have a the headers files __declspec definitions (implicit use of .dll). Is there any way to create a .dll without changing the header files?
Thank you very much again!
All the best
Ricardo Sousa