Save function in Qt Example
i use the Qt Example "Item Model Example".
When i change the values of the QTableWidget, the Bars are changing too. That's good.How can i save the values and the 3D Bars and open that? Because when i change the values i want to save this and for example open the file in school for a presentation...
Henrik -
Do you mean save the state of the model and reload it ?
Yes + the TableWidget
Then that's something you'll have to implement by hand. One possibility is to add a function to dump its content in a text file (e.g. csv) and reload it from there.
What exact example are you hacking on ?
Disclaimer: this is NOT in any way a generic way to serialise (save) a model but it should work for you. It saves only the Qt::DisplayRole of a table model (no child in any index) in a csv file (readable by excel and LibreOffice calc)
#include <QAbstractItemModel> #include <QSaveFile> #include <QFile> #include <QTextStream> bool saveToCsv(const QAbstractItemModel* const model, const QString& destinationPath, const QChar& separator=','){ if(!model){ //Null model return false; } if(separator.isNull()){ // invalid separator return false; } QSaveFile destinationFile(destinationPath); if(! | QIODevice::Text)){ //invalid destination return false; } QTextStream out(&destinationFile); for(int i=0;i<model->rowCount();++i){ for(int j=0;j<model->columnCount();++j){ if(j>0) out << separator; out << model->index(i,j).data().toString(); } out << '\n'; } return destinationFile.commit(); } bool loadFromCsv(QAbstractItemModel* const model, const QString& sourcePath, const QChar& separator=','){ if(!model){ //Null model return false; } if(separator.isNull()){ // invalid separator return false; } QFile sourceFile(sourcePath); if(! | QIODevice::Text)){ //invalid source return false; } QTextStream in(&sourceFile); model->removeColumns(0,model->columnCount()); model->removeRows(0,model->rowCount()); QStringList lineParts; QString tempLine; while (in.readLineInto(&tempLine)) { lineParts=tempLine.split(separator,QString::KeepEmptyParts); if(model->columnCount()==0) model->insertColumns(0,lineParts.size()); else if(model->columnCount()!=lineParts.size()){ // different rows have different number of columns return false; } const int newRow= model->rowCount(); model->insertRow(newRow); for(int i=0;i<lineParts.size();++i) model->setData(model->index(newRow,i),; } return true; }
You can call this using something like
Can you give me an Example with an SaveFile Dialog and OpenFileDialog which i an use in my Project?Henrik
saveToCsv(m_tableWidget->model(), QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this,tr("Save to csv"),QString(),tr("Comma separated values (*.csv)")) ); loadFromCsv(m_tableWidget->model(), QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open csv"),QString(),tr("Comma separated values (*.csv)")) );