Qt Console Application - Print colored text
Hey guys!
I want to print colored text in a Qt Console Application. This is what I wrote:main.cpp:
#include <QCoreApplication> #include "helper.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); Helper h; h.print("print: Hello World\n"); h.printInfo("printInfo: Hello World\n"); h.printWarning("printWarning: Hello World\n"); h.printError("printError: Hello World\n"); return a.exec(); }
#ifndef HELPER_H #define HELPER_H #include <QDebug> #include <QTextStream> class Helper { public: Helper(); void print(QString str); void printInfo(QString str); void printWarning(QString str); void printError(QString str); }; #endif // HELPER_H
#include "helper.h" Helper::Helper() { } void Helper::print(QString str) { QTextStream out(stdout); out << str; } void Helper::printInfo(QString str) { print("\033[90m" + str + "\033[0m"); } void Helper::printWarning(QString str) { print("\033[93m" + str + "\033[0m"); } void Helper::printError(QString str) { print("\033[91m" + str + "\033[0m"); }
But the output is like this:
print: Hello World [90mprintInfo: Hello World [0m[93mprintWarning: Hello World [0m[91mprintError: Hello World [0m
Hi! Works for me. What's your operating system?
@Wieland Windows 10.0.10586
@AliReza-Beytari Ah, ok. I'm on Linux. Where did you read about the terminal codes? My strong guess would be, that these are codes for a Linux terminal emulator.
@Wieland I had used these ascii codes in one of my Python applications and it worked for windows and linux.
but dont python comes with its own shell? (or command prompt)Anyway, you can hax the prompt to support colors
https://web.liferay.com/web/igor.spasic/blog/-/blogs/enable-ansi-colors-in-windows-command-promptnot tried in win 10. only win 7.
I know its not what u wanted so just considered it a note :) -
@mrjj I couldn't use that!! :(
didnt work on win 10 or what you mean? -
@mrjj I just need a very simple code for printing a colored text!! :)
yes but its not really supported in windows anymore.
In command prompt i mean.
in ooooold times ansi.sys gave us colors. :) -
using native api, there are colors to some degree :)
check out
https://github.com/mattn/ansicolor-w32.cbut your app is then tied to windows :(
Yes, the code you have there uses VT100 Escape Codes (note that
is the octal representation of character 27=escape. You could also use the hexadecimal\x1b
instead), see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_codeThese require a terminal emulator that supports VT100, which almost all linux terminal emulators do. Windows Command Prompt doesn't support them by default, but at the bottom of https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/console-virtual-terminal-sequences there is some code that shows how to turn that on (it's only a few lines of additional code that you only need to run once at the beginning - I would put it into an #ifdef __WIN32 #endif for platform independence.)
I haven't actually tried that though and I'm not sure on which versions of windows it works.Regarding python: python doesn't natively support VT100 either, but the colorama package https://pypi.org/project/colorama/ enables them (to my knowledge, it replaces the print or write methods with something that extracts the escape codes and does the manipulations via calls to kernel32.dll methods).