Modify QML MediaPlayer buffer size
I am using a MediaPlayer component into my QtQuick application to stream media from a remote location.
The documentation specify that playback cannot be started until the player is fully filled:
Playback can start or resume only when the buffer is entirely filled, in which case the status is MediaPlayer.Buffered or MediaPlayer.Buffering. A value lower than 1.0 implies that the status is MediaPlayer.Stalled.
The thing is that the default buffer size is preventing me from playing my content as quick as I want to. I have to wait for this buffer to be filled, but since I want to play a live feed, it is annoying for me to have to wait between 5 and 10 seconds for the buffer to get filled.
How can I change this behaviour ?
I thank you in advance for your answers.
Any luck with this? We're using a
component in our application and I'd like to programmatically adjust the buffer to produce a smoother live-media playback experience?Jordan