QtLua and Qt5.6
Hello everyone !
I would like to add scripting functionalities to my application. I a currently using Qt 5.6 on Ubuntu / XFCE.
I encounter problems during the installation of the QtLua library.
I have downloaded the QtLua release. I tried to follow the steps described here :
http://www.nongnu.org/libqtlua/manual/Building_QtLua.htmlWhen i ran the ./configure script, it ended with the following error :
checking Qt spec to use for the host system... -spec linux-g++ Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: uitools configure: error: Calling /usr/bin/qmake failed.
I am absolutely not familiar with the configure scripts and makefiles syntax, and i think i have to specify to the configure script the right paths to both Qt and Lua libraries.
Anyone could help on this ?
Thanks by advance -
Are you using your distribution Qt packages ?