Static members in static library
I have a QWidget project with several sub-projects as static libraries.
One of them contains s tatic member (I tried also with a static function).class myClass : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit myClass(QObject *parent = 0); static int myStaticMember; }
The library compiles fine (i.e. libmyClass is generated).
In another static library of my project I want to use myStaticMember.
Thus I imported the library in the project file:LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../myClass/ -lmyClass INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../myClass DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../myClass PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/../myClass/libmyClass.a
Also this library compiles fine, and contains a call to that member:
#include "myClass.h" // qDebug() << myClass::myStaticMember;
The problem rises when I build the whole project. I get the following error:
myClass/myClass.cpp:15: error: undefined reference to `myClass::myStaticMember'
Another weird thing is that the line pointed by the error is few lines below the actual call to the myStaticMember - and it isn't related at all (I declare a QTimer...).
Why the linker cannot find the member?
@Mark81 said:
Having this:class myClass { static int myStaticMember; }
You should also do in the cpp file (usually on top):
int myClass::myStaticMember = 12345; //< Definition and initialization
On Linux the archive (static lib) is not checked for pretty much anything before linking, so you can have the
generated and still fail to link.