FramelessWindowHint freezes form with QAxWidget
Ok, but in both cases, its included in the UI from start?
It seems once active it dont like FramelessWindowHintI would look in also test if you insert from code only
not having it in UI . -
I tried soMainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); this->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); }
like this
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { this->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint); this->show(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); MainWindow w; w.setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);; qDebug() << w.windowFlags(); return a.exec(); }
@Tikitko said:
ok, but the flag is not the issue. that works.
I was thinking about
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QAxWidget *Test = new QAxWidget(this);
.. other setupand not have it in UI.
just to test. -
@mrjj hmm
i do this:void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { QAxWidget *Test = new QAxWidget(this); Test->setControl("{8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2}"); Test->dynamicCall("Navigate(const QString&)",""); Test->show(); }
And work! this bug work when i create QAxWidget in Disigner...
Hmm when i creat not in on_pushButton_clicked also this bug...
well my "theory" is that
if QAxWidget is assigned to a parent before FramelessWindowHint
then bug comes. -
Well I assume u tested that ?
Create it after setupUI and FramelessWindowHint does not make it work ?If no, you can try with the showEvent
void maiwinxx::showEvent( QShowEvent* event ) {
QMainwindxx::showEvent( event );// create it here.
@mrjj i create:
void MainWindow::showEvent( QShowEvent* event ) { QAxWidget *Test = new QAxWidget(this); Test->setControl("{8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2}"); Test->dynamicCall("Navigate(const QString&)",""); Test->show(); }
Not help...
Excuse me, I find it hard to understand you, because I'm Russian ... -
very strange!
I though showEvent would been same as clicked.
Try timer so that we first create after window fully shown.// in constructor
QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(nowcreate()));
}void MainWindow::nowcreate() << add this to .h also
qDebug() << "nowcreate";
// create here
QAxWidget *Test = new QAxWidget(this);