EGLFS problem, QGraphicsView using QGLWidget as viewport
General and Desktop
Hi all,
I'm trying to use OpenGL with a QGraphicsView.
It seems that to get "benefit" of opengl support using a QGraphicsView you only need to set a viewport as the following code:QGraphicsView view(&scene); view.setViewport(new QGLWidget());
so I'm trying with Colliding Mice Qt example to start from a working small project.
It works fine on a Linux desktop PC.
The main target of my test is to start the application using EGLFS platform but there is a problem. When I start the application as:./collidingmice -platform eglfs
I get the following error:
EGLFS: OpenGL windows cannot be mixed with others. Aborted
Is it a BUG or is there a solution?