This plugin does not support setting window opacity
Hi all,
I am trying to use opacity animation on my beagle bone like target, when I am running the code I am getting the above message
"This plugin does not support setting window opacity"
I have tried to search that on the WEB but I didn’t find any related issue.
Can anyone tell me what the missing plugin for my target is? (On my fedora it's working great!)Best regards,
IL//Summery of my code is MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) { QPropertyAnimation *animation; animation = new QPropertyAnimation (myWidgetPage, "windowOpacity", this); animation->setStartValue(0.0); animation->setEndValue(1.0); animation->setDuration(2000); ... } void MainWindow::startAnimation() { animation->start(); }
It's not a problem of missing plugin. This message just tells you that the plugin you are using doesn't provide that feature.
Hi and thanks for replaying,
Anything I can do to change it and support opacity? -
I want my window to appear after action and disappear slowly using window opacity, actually currently I am implement volume bar window that when changing the volume the volume bar appear and after 3 seconds it start to disappear.
I assume that if you are using stylesheet opacity so you probably holding fix window opacity, am I correct?Thanks,
IL -
You should give more details about the device and Qt backend you are using.