Failing to load VRPN Library
Then the silly question, are both the Release and Debug build of vrpn having the same name ? Not a trailing d or something like that ? I doubt it but some times there are surprises.
The Debug libraries do indeed have a d at the end of them.
So since I remade the .lib file I can't get it to even open within my VS project so I am now thinking that the library is not compiling correctly... I tried to fix find a fix to this with no luck.. I am going to keep trying to fix it and then reimport it to QT and see if it works..
If it has a suffix then you have to modify your LIBS line for debug i.e.
LIBS += -lvrpnd
Since you have the possibility build it for both so you can also debug if needed.
Building in Debug did fix loading the vrpn library (I also had to make sure I recursively cloned the git repository and its submodules) but now I am getting a linker error for an unresolved external symbol.
I loaded up the library in an new project in Visual Studio and got the same error. When I moved the library into the directory of the project, the problem ceased and the library is working perfectly. I moved the library into the directory for the QT project, and I am still getting the external symbol error.
I am wondering if this has to do with INCLUDEPATH and DEPENDPATH? I have both of them linking to the vrpn directory I cloned from git which has the header files and is what I ran through CMAKE to get my 'BuiltVRPN' folder and content. I then compiled the 'BuiltVRPN' project in VS14, and the library is in my BuiltVRPN\Debug folder. Is that correct? Is there something else that could be going on?
Again, appreciate the help!
Just to be sure, what version of Qt did you install ?
Qt Creator 3.6.0 Based on Qt 5.5.1 (MSVC 2013, 32 bit) Built on Dec 15 2015 01:01:38 From revision b52c2f91f5
I see that MSVC 2013 was used. This is the problem, isn't it.
I am downloading QT 5.6 which seems to have a MSVC2015 binary. I am hoping that this will solve the problem!
That's the Qt Creator version. And the Qt version used to build it has absolutely no influence on that matter. What's important is the Qt version you installed as in "What package did you choose ?"
that is the download I used to acquire QT5.6.0.
The message I am getting is no longer failed to load vrpnd.lib, but now when I try to build while including the library I get a message saying "cannot open include file corecrt.h no such file or directory."
It seems progress has been made at least a little bit.
This blog article might be of interest. Basically, you'll have to add the missing include path to the universal CRT.