Fatal error: QObject: No such file or directory
Hi guys, I developed an android application using Android studio and now I would like to include a native part. So I start developing this part using Qt and now I would like to include sources files in my application.
My problem is I got the following errors : fatal error: QObject: No such file or directory
Notice : I use the : android-ndk-r10e and my Android.mk file looks like :
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := qt-signaux LOCAL_SRC_FILES += com_example_qtsignaux_Library.cpp LOCAL_SRC_FILES += Emitter.cpp TARGET_ARCH_ABI += armeabi #Allows to enable android log LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
Thks in advance guys
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Since you're not using Qt's qmake .pro file your going to have to tell your script where to find Qt's headers and libraries as well as run the tools like moc or rcc by hand.
I don't know how to do that from an Android.mk file though.
@SGaist Hi SGaist. Thanks for your reply.Might be possible to generate a shared library usable in Android using qt and qmake? I mean develop my native code as a qt project, export it as a library and then include it in my android project?
Technically Qt is a set of shared libraries that you use to build an Android application so possible I'd say yes but I don't know how to do it using Android's NDK original build system.