Qt Help not working on Qt Creator Ubuntu!
I installed Qt Creator on Ubuntu 15.10. After installation is complete, whenever I run Qt Creator, a small window appears informing that "The following plugins have errors and can not be loaded" and in the plugin list "Help" was listed and in details section it shows that
"/opt/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/plugins/libHelp.so: Cannot load library /opt/Qt5.5.1/Tools/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/plugins/libHelp.so: (libgstapp-0.10.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)".
Any idea how to fix this?Screenshot : http://s28.postimg.org/da1v61azx/Screenshot_from_2016_03_08_16_36_44.png
Hi @Arnab , and welcome!
First question, is the library there? Open a terminal and take a look if the libHelp.so file is actually missing.
Then run the the Qt Maintenance tool. Run an update there and then take a look at the installed modules. If help isn't installed (or broken for some reason) it should be correctable in the maintenance tool.
Also one thing that used to confuse Ubuntu was updates from really old versions of Qt to brand new. It sometimes left files in the /opt/Qt[version] folders, which had the maintenance tool wondering what was happening. Haven't seen that in a while though.
Hope that helps to get started.
I have installed Qt 5.5.1 in Ubuntu 14.04 but I have a different path to libHelp.so
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Looks like you don't have GStreamer 0.10 installed and Qt 5.5 still links against it.
Hi @tekojo, thank you for your reply.
The libHelp.so file is there.
Anyway, I figured it out, as told by @SGaist , the GStreamer 0.10 package was missing. After installing it, now everything runs smoothly. -
You're welcome !
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