Qt 5.5 + iOS + xCode 7.2 - Device not recognised in QtCreator
i always get a red symbol in QtCreator after connecting my iPhone.
The tooltip says the iPhone is connected, but the symbol stays red so i can not start my compiled app.Is there an up to date tutorial on how to correctly set up an iOS device with xCode 7.x?
It seem the Qt doc is outdated.Would be cool if somebody could give me a hint...
Thanks and merry xMas :)
That's unusual. Is your devices enabled for development ? You should check its state in Xcode to see if there's anything funky going on.
yes i think it is. Because i am able to create an sample Xcode iOS app and start it on my device (out of Xcode).
Out of QtCreator i always get this red symbol.
Following is the output of the tooltip over the red symbol:Build debug
Deploy: deploy to iOS
Run: run app on iPhone 6 - Name...
Developer status: Development
Connected: yes
Device name: ....
OS version: 9.1 ...In apple developer account i can see the device.
Nando -
Now it works.
I did the following to get it working:
Disable plugin iOSRestart QtCreator
Enable plugin iOS
Restart QtCreatorStrange.....
But when i want to start the app i always get:
18:24:56: Running steps for project test-project... 18:24:56: TransferAppSession(e8cea97396519facf00e906ef5ccf45c5e7dded2, /development/qtcreator-workspace/build-test-project-iphoneos_clang_Qt_5_5_1_for_iOS-Debug/test-project-App/Debug-iphoneos/test-project-App.app)startService on device e8cea97396519facf00e906ef5ccf45c5e7dded2 failed, AMDeviceStartService returned -402653057
Any ideas?
Nando -
Which version of Qt Creator is it ?
Version is 3.5.1 (enterprise) From rev: e548635a24 (built: Oct 14 2015 00:58:52).
Now i just upgraded to 3.6.0 and it still works....
I made sure no Xcode and no iTunes is running and then unplug and plug the cable solved the last problem (failed, AMDeviceStartService returned -402653057).
Nando -
It's still works ? So it's all good ?
Yes, everything is fine now. Thank you very much ;-)
Nando -
You're welcome !
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