How to send mouse clicks to a `QTreeWidgetItem` in my test?
I wish to test the response of my application to mouse clicks on single
s which are configured to be user selectable.Objects that derive from
have theclick()
-method, but theQTreeWidgetItem
does not derive fromQWidget
hence doesn't have that method. Similarly, also theQTest::mouseClick()
method can only act on aQWidget
-derived class. So these two routes don't work.What route will work?
doesn't derive fromQObject
at all. If they did you probably could imagine the amount of overhead it would generate for a simple table/tree widget. I think for your case, you could use the QTreeWidget::itemClicked signal.Kind regards.
Oh, sorry, I'm still sleeping I guess. You could invoke the signal through QMetaObject::invokeMethod by passing your widget as sender and the needed arguments. Hope that helps.Kind regards.
You can change the state externally. Something like this:void MyClass::clickItem(QTreeWidget * widget, QPoint clickPosition, int checkableColumn) { QTreeWidgetItem * item = widget->itemAt(clickPosition); item->setCheckState(checkableColumn, item->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(widget, "itemClicked", Q_ARG(QTreeWidgetItem *, item), QARG(int, checkableColumn)); }
@kshegunov This is indeed what I turned out doing, except that I directly call the signal - apparently that is possible ...... Still not quite what I want but what I'll stick with for now (my main issue with this approach is that this way I don't have a regression for someone erroneously changing the
-call) -
Ah, yes. From Qt4 you get:
# define Q_SIGNALS protected
I firmly believe that this change was made to accommodate the new way of connecting signals. I don't find it to be a great improvement, but this is a personal opinion ... In the new framework it seems every object can easily rise another object's signal, which is a bit ... hm ... suspicious ... not that it was impossible before, but you had to go the extra mile, by using theQMetaObject