Set property and ignore behavior animation
QML and Qt Quick
Hi there,
I'm trying to animate a property towards one direction but not towards the other.
Animation usually goes downwards, while setting to zero is a reset function.
Here is minimal example which obviously animates on both directions, but just to get the idea.Rectangle { height: 200 width: 200 Rectangle { id: icon height: 20 width: 200 color: "red" Behavior on y { NumberAnimation {} } } MouseArea { onClicked: icon.y += 20; onDoubleClicked: icon.y = 0; // this shall not be animated anchors.fill: parent } }
I was able to work around this restriction with the following code:
Rectangle { height: 200 width: 200 Rectangle { id: icon height: 20 width: 200 color: "red" onYChanged: { console.log(y) } NumberAnimation on y { id: anim running: false duration: 1000 } } MouseArea { onClicked: { anim.stop(); += 30 anim.start() } onDoubleClicked: { anim.stop(); = icon.y = 0; } anchors.fill: parent } }
However this is "a lot" of code. In most other cases I'm quite fine with direct bindings to properties.
Is there a simpler way to achieve this that I missed?
e.g. Behavior.enabled: newValue > oldValue or in my case even better: icon.setYWithoutBehaviorAnimation(0)?
(Unfortunately something like 'NumberAnimation.running: to > false' doesn't work either as you cannot bind it to 'to' and 'false')Regards, Alex