how to enter a character to qlineEdits from pushButtons depending on the selected lineEdit
General and Desktop
I am using QT creator to make a UI. UI consists of two or more lineEdits and ten pushButtons to input 0-9 numberic characters to lineEdits. How can I enter 0-9 number strings in both lineEdits one by one.
If I press pushButton with label '5' and cursor is on lineEdit (say lineEdit 1) it should append '5' in lineEdit 1 or if lineEdit 2 is selected it should append '5' in lineEdit 2 and any number of lineEdits respectively with 0-9 numeric pushButtons also.
look at this sample
Shows how to hook up buttons etc. (its numeric keypad)you can change it to use
QApplication::focusWidget () constto input to whatever LineEdit that is selected.