[Solved] PNG Pixmap in QLabel Won't Show
I am a noob with Qt/C++. I am loading a transparent PNG in the Pixmap property of a QLabel widget. I can see it in QtCreator, but when I choose Build > Run, it does not display. The image is in the same directory as the project. When I was working on the Pixmap property, I clicked the popdown menu that let me select a file. I selected this local file and it showed up in the label -- but only in QtCreator, not when I run the application. Is this a known bug in Qt5.5 Open Source (Free) version or am I doing something wrong? BTW, I'm on a Mac Air.
Hi there,
I use this code to set Pixmap on my QLabel. Seems to work for me!
QPixmap pixmapTarget = QPixmap(":/image/icon/target"); pixmapTarget = pixmapTarget.scaled(size-5, size-5, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); ui->label_image_power->setPixmap(pixmapTarget );
Have a great day,
Max -
@maximus Thanks. It appears that this must be a bug in QtCreator. I was able to load the image properly by adding the following right after my
I had to use an absolute path. Is there any way that I can load this from a relative path from the application's own directory?
Yes, check the Resource system, really useful, you can set your image in there and it will be bundled with your executable
Good luck! -
@maximus Aha! Now I get it. I rightclicked the Projects > Sources in QtCreator, chose Add New... > Qt > Qt Resource File. I gave it a name of simply "res" (and it adds the extension .qrc on the end) and then saw a new Resources folder on the left underneath Forms in the QtCreator project editor. Then, in the resource editor, I clicked the Add popdown listbox and chose Files. I selected my file from the local application directory, although I guess I could have put it in an images folder in that application directory. Then, I went to my label control, cleared out the pixmap property, and chose the Add Resource option, and selected the resource (a little tricky, but I clicked around and found it). I then commented out my pixmap code that I had added in the main window because now I'm doing it the resource way. I then chose Build > Run and it worked! :)
Glad it worked! You can add [Solved] - in the title of this post to mark it has solved ;)