[Solved] Subclass QHeaderView.
I need to manipulate use signal from QHeaderView to bind some actiions.
This is working . Here I Defined the slot in my mainclass.filemanager.h
[code] void sectionClicked( int index);
[code]QObject::connect( ui->treeView->header (),SIGNAL( sectionClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT(HDA->sectionClicked(int)));
void FileManager:::sectionClicked( int index)
QMessageBox::about(this,"Header Click Detected!"
}[/code]When I try to put the code for sectionClicked in a separate class, it either not compiles
as soon I am trying to define a pointer to that class. As I understand it should be because Q_OBJECTneeds to be declared in that class.Without Q_OBJECT, no problem with compilation - but the function will never execute.
Is there any workarounds.?
QObject::connect( ui->treeView->header (),SIGNAL( sectionClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT(HDA->sectionClicked(int)));
If HDA is the name of class that has sectionClicked slot then this should be:
HDA* hda = ... // instance of HDA class QObject::connect( ui->treeView->header(), SIGNAL( sectionClicked( int ) ), hda, SLOT(sectionClicked(int)));
If you want to connect a slot then that slot needs to be defined. You can only define slots in QObject derived classes with Q_OBJECT macro used.
But you can connect to anything callable, not just slots. So if
is a member function in class HDA then you can connect it like this too:HDA* hda = ... // instance of HDA class QObject::connect(ui->treeView->header(), &QHeaderView::sectionClicked, hda, &HDA::sectionClicked);
Oh, I see. Thank you sir.